- Properties and application prospects of different grades mullite
Zhilin ShanTQ175Guizhou Huaxin New Materials Co., Ltd.The 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Progress and Green Development of Henan Refractory Industry
Qinguo Jin 1, Quanli Jia1,2, Kai Shi1,3TQ1751 The Association of Henan Refractory Industry2 Zhengzhou University3 Henan University of TechnologyThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Research on magnesia sintering system based on flotation magnesite
Jiachen Qin,Chunyan Wang,Lianying ZhengTQ175University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Qinghua group coThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Hot Blast Stoves and Choice of Refractories
Stanislav DvorakTQ175Independent ConsultantThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Discussion on the Trend of Refractory Lining for Blast Furnace
Ronghui ZhangTQ175Beijing Allied Rongda Engineering Material Co., Ltd.The 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Effects of SiC/ZrO2 ratio on the key service performance of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites
Liu-Guoqi, Wang-Minhui, Qian-Fan, Feng-YihangTQ175Shanghai UniversityThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Better Together? Cross-industry Collaboration, Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
Dana GoskiTQ175Allied Mineral Products, LLCThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Combustion Synthesis of Composite Powders with Nanostructures and Their Effects on Thermal
Donghai Ding, Xiaochuan Chong,TQ175College of Materials Science and Engeering, Xi’an University of Architecture and TechnologyThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Sustainable Refractory Production Transforming the Industry Towards a Greener Future
Thomas PrietlTQ175Head of Global RThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- The Andalusite Advantage for Sustainable Refractory Materials
Chris Parr, Liu Chunfeng, Ch. W枚hrmeyer,TQ175Imerys, Paris FranceThe 9th International Symposium on Refractories2024-10-16
- Effect of calcination system on the performance of flotation magnesite to prepare high-purity~
Jiachen Qin1Chunyan Wang1Lianying Zheng2~TQ175.1Flotation magnesite;lightly burned MgO;sintered magnesia;calcined system;1.University of Science and Technology Liaoning2.Qinghua group co.,ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Synthesis and Application of Heavy-density Calcium Hexaluminate
YAN Li1LI Dongmei1LI Hongcha1LI Lu1~TQ175.7calcium hexaluminate;firing;temperature;apparent porosity;bulk density;1.Shandong Higiant High-purity Alumina Technology Co.Ltd.2.Wuhan Ruxing~第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of Phase Composition and Microstructure of 97 Fused Magnesia with Different Additions~
ZHAO Xin,YUE Jingjing,YOU JiegangTQ175.1concentration of fine ore;fused magnesia;phase composition and microstructure;University of Science and Technology Liaoning第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Reactivity of Coconut Shell Carbon and Si/Al Powders in Low Carbon Al2O3-C Material
TIAN Xuekun,ZHAO Zhenyi,LIU XushengTQ175.1coconut shell carbon;Si powder;Al powder;SiC;AlN;Zhengzhou University第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- New Application Technologies of Green and Low-Carbon Emission Refractories for Refining Steel Ladle
FANG Binxiang1GAO Hua2WEI Guoping1TF341;TQ175.1refractories;environmental;energy saving;low-carbon emission;steel ladle;1.Zhejiang Zili High Temperature Technology Co., Ltd2.Baoshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of La2O3 on the Structural, Physical, and Mechanical Property of Magnesia Refractory
JI Peng,ZHENG Qi,YU Jingkun,YUAN LeiTQ175.1fused magnesia;La2O3;sintering;densification;School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Preparation of Bauxite Based Low-alumina Mullite and Its Influence on Energy-saving Long-life~
AN Jiancheng1MA Shulong1LIAN Weikang1,2~TQ175.7bauxite based low alumina mullite;anti-skinning castable;1.Beijing Jinyu Tongda Refractory Technologies, Co.Ltd.2.Yangquan Jinyu第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Development and Application of Electrofused Barium Zirconate
YU XinmengTQ175.7electric melting method;barium zirconate;crystal phase composition;Zhengzhou Zhenzhong Fused New Material Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Application of High-calcium Magnesia with Low Silica
TIAN Xiaoli1,2,3LI Zhixun1,2FENG Runtang1,2~TQ175.7;TF702Tibetan microcrystalline magnesite;high-calcium fused magnesite1.Puyang Refractories Group Co., LTD.2.PRCO Qinghai~第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of Carbon Black on the Properties of Al2O3-SiC-C Castables
CHEN Jing,SANG Mengyang,HE Mantang~TQ175.1Al2O3-SiC-C castables;carbon black;corrosion resistance;BF trough;Si C whiskers;Zhengzhou University第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- The Research About the Influence of Matrix Compositions of Magnesia-silica Based Lightweight~
LIU Yabo,GUO Qiwei,WANG Xin~TQ175.1lightweight forsterite spherical aggregate;magnesia-silica based lightweight castable;School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Preventing Crack Formation in Magnesia Castables Using Novel Binder System and Drying Agent
PENG HongTQ175.7MgO castable;Macro-TGA;drying agent;microsilica;anti-hydration agent;Innovation Materials, Elkem Silicon Products Development第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Study on the Preparation and Properties of Phosphoric Acid Bonded Plastic Refractory with Long ~
LI Zhenzhen,KANG Haobin,WANG ChengTQ175.7phosphoric acid bonded plastic refractory;specialsilicamicro-powder;~Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Research and Application of Ultra-low Carbon Tundish Coatings
YUAN Keke,WANG Shuming,CHEN Yang~TQ175.7ultra-low carbon coatings;tundish;carbon content;working linings;paper fiber;sepiolite fiber;Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Preparation and Properties of Ultra-lightweight Alumina Bubble Castables by Matrix Foaming
ZHAN Xuewu1QI Jin1,2FAN Qingsong1,2ZHANG Wei1,2TQ175.7alumina bubble;castables;foaming agent;porosity;thermal conductivity;1.Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.2.Beijing Science and Technology R第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of Zn(OH)2 Addition on The Properties of Corundum-Spinel Castables
DONG Yifan,SANG Mengyang,LIU Jintong~TQ175.7corundum-spinel castables;purging plug;Zn(OH)2;mediated temperature strength;Zhengzhou University第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Test and Simulation of Thermal Insulation Performances of CA6 Based Castables
ZHAO Yi1YANG Haizhen1LUO Wei2~TQ175.7calcium hexaluminate;finite element analysis;temperature distribution;thermal stress;1.Wuhan University of Science and Technology2.Baosteel Central Research Institute~第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of CA2 on the Properties of High Purity Corundum Castables
ZHOU Huijun1LI Bin2CAO Zhuang1QIN Hongbin1~TQ175.7calcium aluminate;medium-temperature strength;~1.Luoyang Refractory Research Institute Co., Ltd.2.ShengChuan Advanced Material Technology Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Effect of Microporous Corundum Aggregates on Thermal Shock Resistance of Corundum Spinel Castables~
ZHANG Sisi,LIU Guotao,LI Tianqing,LI ZongzheTQ175.7microporous corundum aggregates;thermal shock resistance;~Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15
- Research and Application of Long-life MgO-C Slide Plates for Ca-treated Steel
LI Wei,TONG Zeming,LI Yanming,~TQ175.7Ca-treated steel;slide plate;thermal shock resistance;~Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.第九届国际耐火材料学术会议2024-10-15