The Influence of Biomass Cokes on the Microstructure and Thermal Shock Resistance of MgO-C Refractories
作者:Patrick GEHRE1*, Magzhan KAPESSOV1 , Stefan GUHL2 , Martin GRÄBNER2 , Christos G. ANEZIRIS1
作者机构:1 Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composite Materials, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 09599, Germany 2 Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 09599, Germany
期号 : 2024 年, 第3期
页码:9 - 14

In this study, biomass cokes from sunflower seed hull (SFSH) and wood pellets (WP) were added to a MgO-C batch (3 mass% C) to replace 1.1 mass% of graphite. After hardening and carbonizing the samples, the influence of the biomass cokes on the microstructure and thermal shock resistance was investigated. The replacement of flaky graphite by carbonized WP and SFSH reduced the bulk density and increased the apparent porosity after pressing and carbonization, but the degree was only marginal. This was confirmed by SEM investigations, where the biomass-coke containing samples exhibited a microstructure with a higher amount of pores between the fine MgO grains. The thermal shock resistance of the porous wood pellet coke containing MgO-C is at the same level as the reference sample but not superior to it. 
