- Low-cost ultrasonic NDT method yields real-time results
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- New packaging machine uses lightweight carbon fiber airshafts
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Prepreg forecast Strong growth through 2013
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Equibiaxial Ilexural strength testing of fiber-reinforced ceramics
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Composites in the running lor risers in deepwater oil exploration
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- New group to develop European carbon precursor capacity
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Assessing conventional and advanced NDI for composite aircraft
Dennis Roach;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Reinforced thermoplastics in aircraft primary structure
Sara Black;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Fuel pricing ignites demand for composites in commercial trans
Chris Red;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Automating & optimizing autoclave cure
Ginger Gardiner;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Embraer to create composites center of excellence in Portugal
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Airbus sells Laupheim site to Diehl/Thales, Filton to GKN
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Study charts growth for aramid paper products including honeycombs
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- JEC COMPOSITES 2008 show review
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Flexural testing of fiber-reinforced ceramics
Dr. Donald F. Adams;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- SAMPE 08 technology showcase
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- COMPOSITESWORLD EXPO showgoer's guide
TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Reaction of Chrome-Free Bricks with Cement Components in Rotary Cement Kilns
MAKOTO ONO;KOZO TOKUNAGA;TORU HONDA;TQ175Mino Ceramic Co., Ltd;Mino Ceramic Co., Ltd;Mino Ceramic Co., LtdJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Acceleration of Setting Time in Low-Cement Castables (LCC)
EIZO MAEDA;KATSUHUMI JONO;SATOI KANATANI;TQ175JFE Refractories Corp;JFE Refractories Corp;JFE Refractories CorpJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Numerical Analysis of Refractory Behavior at Elevated Temperature in Glass Furnace
SHINJI YAMAMURA;YASUHIRO KAKIMOTO;TQ175AGC Ceramics Co., Ltd;AGC Ceramics Co., LtdJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Structural Analysis of Slide Gate Plates Using a Damage Model
HIDETOSHI KAMIO;HITOSHI NAKAMURA;MITSUO SUGAWARA;TQ175Krosaki Harima Corp;Krosaki Harima Corp;Krosaki Harima CorpJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Structural Analysis of the Tap Hole in Converters
MASATO HASHIMOTO;SHIGEKI UCHIDA;TQ175Shinagawa Refractories, Co., Ltd;Shinagawa Refractories, Co., LtdJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Thermal Shock Testing of Continuous Casting Nozzles with Molten Iron, by a New Test Method
AKINARI SASAKI;HIDETOSHI KAMIO;KATSUMI MORIKAWA;TQ175Krosaki Harima Corp;Krosaki Harima Corp;Krosaki Harima CorpJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Evaluation of the Thermal Shock Resistance of Blast Furnace Main Trough Castables
SATOI KANATANI;MASAKAZU IIDA;KAZUHIRO OGURA;TQ175JFE Refractories Corp;JFE Refractories Corp;JFE Refractories CorpJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Development of Low Thermal Conductive Basic Brick for Cement Rotary Kiln
KAZUNARI IMAI;TAKAOL TAKADA;TQ175Yotai Refractories Co., Ltd.2601, Hinase-cho, Bizen-shi, Okayama 701-3204;Yotai Refractories Co., Ltd.2601, Hinase-cho, Bizen-shi, Okayama 701-3204Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Development of CnO3-Free Castable for Waste Melting Furnaces
HIDEYUKI TSUDA;YUTAKA KITAZAWA;YUKIHIRO SUEKAWA;TQ175Krosaki Harima Corporation 1-1, Higashihama-machi, Yawatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka 806-8586;Krosaki Harima Corporation 1-1, Higashihama-machi, Yawatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka 806-8586;Krosaki Harima Corporation 1-1, Higashihama-machi, YaJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
Karen Wood;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Composites stabilize space-based telescope
Donna K. Dawson;TQ175HIGH-PERFORMANCE Composites英文2008-01-05
- Features and Importance of Solution Processing for Ceramics: Merits and Demerits of Precipitation Method. Colloids, Sol-Gel, Soft Chemistry, Soft (Solution) Processing and Others
MASAHIRO YOSHIMURA;TQ175solution;ceramics;soft process;soft-gel;films;Material and Structure Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology 4259, Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 226-8503, JapanJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05
- Analysis of Interactions between Hot Mixer Slag and Magnesia Containing Refractories Using Design of Experiments
EMAD. M.M. EWAIS;AZZA AHMED;MOHAMED ABDEL-AZIZ;TQ175Magnesia refractory;Magnesia aluminate spinel;Magnesite chrome;Mixer slag;Interaction;Experimental design;Refractory and Ceramic Materials Lab. (RCML), Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute (CMRDI), P. O. Box 87 Helwan, 11421 Cairo, Egypt;Refractory and Ceramic Materials Lab. (RCML), Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute (CMRJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories英文2008-01-05