- Resistance against Oxygen Lancing by the Use of Metals in Upper Nozzles
Kentaro IWAMOTO and Jyouki YOSHITOMIUpper nozzle. Oxygen lance corrosion. Metal additionJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan英文2013-08-01
- A Consideration about Carbon Bond in AG Refractories
Yusuke MORIYOSHI**, Tadashi IKEMOTO*, Fumihiko ASANUMA, Yousuke KATAOKA and Hironori OGATACarbon bond in AG refractories. TEM, Interaction energy of alumina and carbonJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan英文2013-08-01
- Effect of Precipitants on Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium Aluminate (MgAl2O4) Spinel by a Co-Precipitation Method
z. Yan*. J.Yu*,K.HuInterceram英文2013-07-01
- Effect of Fe2O3 and MgO on Gelcasting and Sinterability of Alumina Ceramics
M.F. Zawrah*. RM. Khattab*. L.G. GirgisInterceram英文2013-07-01
- Effect of MgO Additive on the Sintering and Thermal Shock Properties of Al2O3-Fe2O3 Composite
I.L. Bu *,j.S. Wang*. F. Ma*. R.L. Wang*. Z.F. WangInterceram英文2013-07-01
- Assessment of Egyptian Raw and Waste Materials for Refractory Ceramics: A Review
WA. SerryInterceram英文2013-07-01
- Hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)-4H2O): A Potentially Useful Raw Material for Refractories
C.C.Arruda*. P.H.L. Cardoso*. I.M.M. Dias*. R. SalomāoIntercerram英文2013-07-01
- Characterization and Performance of New Generation Sic-based Trough Castable Required for 2000M3 Blast Furnaces at BSL
A.D. Gupta*, S.C. MukhopadhyayInterceram英文2013-07-01
- Application of Newly Developed High Strength Gunning Refractories for Cement Plants
- Improvement of Alkali Resistance of Spinel Bricks for Lower Transition Zone in Cement Rotary Kilns
- The 29th Symposium on Refractories for Cement Rotary Kiln Coating Adherence Test Used by Drum Type Rotary Slag Testing Apparatus
- Improvement of Shotcast Material for Torpedo Ladle
Yasuhiro YAMADA, Masahiko AMANO and Nobuyuki TAKAHASHITorpedo ladle. Shotcast, Adherability. ChamotteJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan英文2013-06-01
- Factors Affecting the Hot Permeability of Porous Alumina-Graphite Materials
Yoshiyuki KONDOH. Tamotsu WAKITA, Katsumi MORIKAWA and Jyouki YOSHITOMIAlumina-graphite materials. Porous AG materials. Hot permeability. Volatilization of silica. Apparent porosity. Matrix structure. Submersed entry nozzles. SENJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan英文2013-06-01
- Analysis of Setting Mechanism of Low-Cement Castables (V): Influence of Magnesia Powder on the Setting of Alumina-Magnesia Low-Cement Castables
Eizo MAEDA and Sadao KAKUMAlow-cement castable. setting mechanism, magnesia powder, polyvalent ions. alumina cementJournal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan英文2013-06-01
- New Additive Packages for Self-flowing High-alumina and MgO Based Refractory Castables*
Hong Peng, Ming Luo, Bjorn Myhrerefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- New Insights into Corrosion Mechanisms of Dense Refractory Castables Containing a Novel Calcium Aluminate Binder*
A. Borovsky, Chr. Parr, J.-M.Auvray, H. Frydarefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- High-performance Nano-bonded Refractories for a Wide Temperature Range*
M. A. L. Braulio, V. C Pandolfelli, J. Medeiros, J. B. Gallorefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- A Low Cost, Sustainable Source of Alumina for Thermal Insulation
H. Epsteinrefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Dense Silica - Properties, Production and Perspectives
M. Kotou鑕k, P. Kov狲, K. Lang, L. Va歩ca, L. Nev鴌vov?refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Determination of Resistance to Abrasion at Ambient Temperature - in Order to Establish Better Comparability Between Laboratories, Existing Standards Have to Be Revised
0. Krause, G. Urbanek, H. K鰎berrefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Bonded Refractories for Extreme Conditions in the Top of Regenerators
R. Bei, K. Santowski, Chr. Majeenovicrefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Refractory Materials Conference at TREMAG S.A. Tulcea
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Refractories Serving Low Carbon Economy (Part 1)
V. V. Martynenkorefractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- 3rd Freiberg Refractories Forum
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Competitiveness Challenges and Opportunities in the European Aluminium Industry
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Finding Answers – Alteo, Alumina and Application-based R&D
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Advanced Equipment for Manufacturing of Refractories
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Curimbaba Group: Steady Expansion of Activities in the Minerals Business
refractories worldforum英文2013-06-01
- Statistics for Refractories, Pig Iron and Crude Steel Production
- Mechanical Properties of Al8B4C7 with Alumina Platelets